CryEngine Workflow screen while placing daisies and mountains throughout the river.

Down river of Dragon Mountains, which is born from the high mountain and streams down through Çimbay Village.

Rock Painting workflow from the Substance Painter software, right after the modeling and baking process.

That road lie down to middle village among the pine forest from the Dragon Mountains.

Pillar model referenced from Church of Santi Apostoli located Florence. Santi Apostoli is a Romanesque-style, Roman Catholic temple in central Florence, region of Tuscany.

The Odrin monastery parts built as nested with the mountain.

Particle effect workflow for a magic tablet. A magic tablet gives the player a new skill.

That ground pants modeled for pine forests. A PBR render view from Blender workflow.

A prospect from terrace of Odrin monastery.

Warrior armor painting process via Substance Painter.

Silver cutlery final shoot on CryEngine.

Cooking Tripod painting process at the Substance Painter workflow.